Writing 90 Assignment Page

               For the Week of September 26, 2008

  1. E-Mail response to  message sent out by Dr. Bianco to your MyPCC address on Friday, Sept. 26.  This is due Monday, Sept. 29 by 10 p.m.  Check you MyPCC e-mail!
  2. Journaling topic/theme to work on this week: "How I Feel About the Term So Far" (see general instructions for journaling). 
  3. Skim & scan all of Ch. 1 from Sentences, Paragraphs, and Beyond (5th edition)
  4. Then, carefully read:
  5. Now, do:
  6. Skim & scan Chs. 3, 4, and 14 from Sentences, Paragraphs, and Beyond (5th edition)