Portland Traffic and Transportation Class
USP 410/510, Sec 198
Spring 2000
This class is offered through a partnership between the City of Portland's Bureau of Transportation System Management and Portland State University's School of Urban Studies and Planning

Local transportation professionals present a series of guest lectures aimed at making specific local transportation issues understandable to the interested public. Topics include bicycle issues, traffic calming, light rail planning, and the interaction between transportation and land use. 

Neighborhood activists and other citizens interested in local transportation issues may take this course on a noncredit basis. PSU students may take this course for 1 undergraduate or graduate credit. 

Time and Place: Tuesday, 6:40-8:40, LH 205, Portland State University (final classes to be held in Portland Building) 

Registration & Fees: Free for neighborhood volunteers & community activists not taking this course for credit (such individuals must be Portland residents and submit a registration and scholarship application). Tuition and fees apply for engineers, planners and out-of-city residents or anyone taking the class for 1 undergraduate upper-division or 1 graduate-level credit (such individuals must register for the class as a normal PSU class). 

Rick Gustafson 
Shiels Obletz Johnson 
115 NW First Ave. No. 200 
Portland, OR 97209 
284-6934 Home 
242-0084 Work
City Liaison
Linda Ginenthal 
1120 SW 5th Ave 
Portland Office of Transportation, Suite 730 
Portland, OR 97204 
PSU Liaison
Dr. Martha J. Bianco
School of Urban & Public Affairs 
Portland State University
506 SW Mill, Rm 320-D
Portland, OR 97207 
725-4050 biancom@pdx.edu
Week 1



Course Introduction by Rick Gustafson and Martha J. Bianco, Ph.D.
Student Intros
Overview of Transportation Policymaking Context in the U.S. and the Role of Citizen Participation
Week 2


Land Use and Transportation Element: Steve Dotterrer with the Portland Office of Transportation (PDOT), discusses history, comprehensive plans and land use, city policy, role of transit, Arterial Streets Classification Policy
Week 3


What's New at PDOT.  Vic Rhodes, Director, Portland Office of Transportation, will discuss the reorganization of the department.
Traffic Management Techniques: Toby Widmer, Director, Bureau of Transportation Systems  Management cover traffic management tools and Neighborhood Traffic Management
Week 4

Tri-Met: Bob Stacey, Executive Director of Policy and Planning at Tri-Met, discusses the Tri-Met Strategic Plan; role of transit in region.
Regional Planning: Andy Cotugno, Metro Transportation and Planning Director, presents an overview of the Regional Transportation Plan; travel demand; relationships of modes, and coordination.
Saturday Tour



Site Visits: class members visit team project sites
Week 5



Land Use and Transportation: Gordon Price of the Vancouver, B.C. City Council.  Class held in the Portland Building Auditorium, 2nd Floor.
Week 6



Rob Burchfield, City Engineer
Brant Williams, Director, Bureau of Transportation and Engineering & Development
Week 7

Transportation Policy:Commissioner Charlie Hales discusses city transportation policy
Week 8



Urban Development and Transportation Policy: Elsa Coleman, Deputy Director, Portland Office of Transportation, will discuss transportation financing; political consensus building; federal funding, etc.
Parking:  Rich Cassidy, Parking Management, will discuss parking in the central city, code, and regulations.
Week 9

Student Project Presentations 
Week 10



Select Panel Presentations before Reviewers.  Note:  This class will be held in the Portland Building Auditorium, 2nd Floor.
Register for this class on a noncredit basis
Register for this class on a credit basis