UNST 121-123G: Forbidden Knowledge

Module I:  The Fortunate Fall

Required and Recommended Online Readings and  Experiences

Color-Coded Key
Required Reading/Activity
Strongly Recommended
Optional Reading/Activity
Reading/Activity for Fun

VOD = Video on Demand; you will need Windows Media Player, downloadable at Windows Media Player (available for both Windows and Mac)
For PDF articles, you will need Acrobat Reader, downloadable at Adobe Reader (available for Windows and Mac)
Persistent link items require you to log in to the PSU library using your PSU (Odin) userid and password.  Just click on the link and then log in.

Online Readings and Activities

VOD "Peer Feedback." English Composition: Writing for an Audience. Annenberg/CPB. Berkow & Berkow, 2001. <http://www.scctv.net/annenberg/English_Composition_14.asx>.

The Matrix Has You, a flash video at Flashplayer.com, http://www.flashplayer.com/animation/thematrixhasyou.html.

Rogers, Michael, Normal Oder, and Andrew Albanese. "Could Librarians' Help Have Prevented Hopkins Tragedy?" Library Journal 126.14 (2001): 16-17. Persistent link: http://proxy.lib.pdx.edu:2052/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&an=5124760

Missy Ellliott's "Lose Control" video:

Handsome Boy's Modeling School "The World's Gone Mad" video.

Nappy Root's "Trouble of this World" video.

© Martha J. Bianco, Ph.D., 2006-2008