How to write a term paper - Guidelines

Note:  This material was taken from Andrea Stählin's web page at

The Question of plagiarism:
You cannot lift paragraphs from other books or articles and place them into your term paper. This is called Plagiarism - taking paragraphs from an author and presenting them as your own.
You have to write your own term paper. 
If you quote, you have to give a footnote.

Structure of the paper:
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Example for a list of contents showing the systematic structure of a term paper:

The Introduction (I)
The introduction should consist of three aspects: With a term paper of six to seven pages, the introduction should be no more than one page.

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The main part of the term paper (II)

The main part of the term paper has to be constructed systematically.
Look at several books to see how the authors have structered the content of their books.

There are different systems for arranging the content of a paper:

Look at several books with different systems and decide on the system you would like to apply. You must only apply one system.

Usually, the main part starts with the definitions of the central concepts and a short review of the topic.

Refer to the table of content to see an example of a list of contents showing the systematic structure of a term paper

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Conclusion (III.)

In the conclusion you should try to sum up the main results of the term paper. You should try to put down the results in three or four short statements or thesis. At the end, you should give your own point of view. Try to explain why some authors are wrong or right, and what do you think about the topic, but you have to base your own opinion on reasonabele arguments.

The conclusion should be no longer than 1 page.
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Citations (footnotes/endnotes):

Citations are very important. A term paper without citations will not be accepted. They are necessary in order to show which sources you have used and allow the reader to look up the references for further reading.

There are three systems for writing citations:

 To start with we would recommmend to use the system 1 or 2.

Do not mix two systems. Apply only one.

Examples of citations:

a. Citations from a monograph:

b. Citations from an article:   c. Citations from an article in a book: d. Citations from Chinese references:

The system of citation is the same. Please write the title in pinyin and add the translation of the title.

e. Citations from Internet resources (please click here)

f. Footnotes have an additional function:

In the footnotes you can explain certain further aspects of the topic which are not so important that they should be placed in the main text. You can add further references to articles or books regarding the aspects and so on.


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At the end of the term paper you write all articles and books in alphabetical order.

You have to distinguish between

The usual order for monographs is:

The usual order for articles is: The usual order for books which somebody has edited: The references should only include the titles you have actually used in your term paper.

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How to find refences books and articles

Besides the term paper you compile a bibliography for the topic of the term paper. This bibliography should consist of all relevant books and articles, in English as well as in Chinese, but not more than 30 titles.

Please add the bibliography to the term paper.

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