Plagiarism & MLA Citation Short Write© 2006-2008, Martha J. Bianco, Ph.D.
Purpose: The purpose of this short write exercise is to give you practice identifying and avoiding plagiarism and using proper MLA format. Resources: You will be completing a set of online exercises and the Diana Hacker A Writer's Reference web site. Your results will be saved online, and I will be able to access your results and grade them. Before you do the Diana Hacker online exercise, please prepare by doing some or all of the following. Please do not attempt to skip directly to the exercise without doing any reading or other preparation. You will just waste your time and mine. The exercise itself is at the bottom of this page, highlighted in yellow. |
READ and DO: Wadsworth Publishing *Note: Please do not send the results of any exercises at this site to me.
Indiana University of Bloomington School of Education
VIEW: VOD (Requires Windows Media Player ) “Quotes and Citations.” English Composition: Writing for an Audience. Annenberg/CPB. Berkow & Berkow, 2001. <>. |
Go to Diana Hacker's A Writer's Reference MLA Research Exercises, at
When prompted, sign in with your first and last
name and type in my e-mail address ( -- you will have to
type it in twice) in order to receive credit. Please see your
syllabus for the due date for this assignment.
I need help on this assignment. |