Outline for Walkability of Sunnyside Neighborhood Presentation

I.          Introduction

  1. state research question:  Is Sunnyside Neighborhood in Portland, Oregon, a “walkable neighborhood”?
  2. define “walkable”
    • use sources from www.walkable.org, Portland’s Pedestrian Design Guide and PSU Library’s Online Databases (my favorite one is Academic Search Premier – found a lot with just “walkable” as a search term in the title; had fewer results with other search combos)
  3. define “Sunnyside Neighborhood”

o               use map from PortlandMaps.com or Office of Neighborhood Involvement


II.         Methodology


  1. discuss walkability grid, using “Levels of Quality of Walking” from http://www.walkable.org/images/1_LOQWalking.jpg
  2. discuss random selection of 3 residential streets and 3 main streets (no room for a lot of detail; just indicate that the selection was random – in a paper, I could write out the entire process I used)
  3. discuss basic data-gathering methodology of going out and taking measurements, counting specific phenomena, taking photos, etc.
  4. discuss other sources of data:  Census, historical sources, etc.


III.        Data Analysis


  1. discuss how I “graded” each street
  2. summarize the key characteristics
  3. provide photo to illustrate one aspect from each street


IV.       Conclusions


  1. Conclude that Sunnyside is a walkable neighborhood
  2. Suggest reasons why (density, historical design, sociodemographic characteristics of residents)


V.        Works Cited


  1. Leave room for Works Cited section.
  2. Don’t forget to entitle the presentation
  3. Don’t forget to provide captions for any photos or charts!