Film Reflections
Basic Instructions:

Objective of the Film Reflections:

Film reflections are meant first and foremost to be an academic exercise, not an "op ed" piece, where you just share your feelings or offer unsubstantiated opinions. You need to reflect upon what you’ve seen, drawing from the lectures and the reading material. This means you should do the following:

It’s fine to offer a brief summary of the scenes presented, but don’t just focus on the plot. On the other hand, don’t simply discuss the ideas presented in the film without any reference to the larger plot. Your reflection should be a balance of your thoughtful consideration about the ideas, with reference to lecture, discussion, and readings.

Keep in mind that I've seen the films, so I don't need a plot summary. Also keep in mind that I'm very familiar with various reviews of the films, so I don't want a film review. I also don't need to know whether you think a film is "excellent" or "boring" or "interesting" or "plodding." What I do want to know is what issues, points, questions (or answers) the films raised for you that related to the subject matter of the lectures and reading material.

Format and Approach:

As you are viewing the film, jot down key ideas and points. For instance, in the film Blade Runner, we see several interesting future-urban themes: a "big brother" theme; incredibly overbearing and almost alienating architecture, with little connection to "human scale"; technology-gone-awry; propaganda-like advertising; etc. In order to notice these themes as you're watching, you should try to do the relevant textbook reading first. So, in other words, you should go into watching Blade Runner with an eye toward futuristic images of the city, rather than, say, concepts about cloning or police work. You'll be best prepared to know what to look for (and look at) if you do the reading first.

Your film reflection should:

Your film reflection should NOT:

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